newbery honor author 

new york times bestseller

Gennifer Choldenko
Gennifer Choldenko

School Visits

Gennifer Choldenko school visits author visits

Gen­nifer is cur­rent­ly book­ing school vis­its all over the world.

She also loves to Skype with classes.

Note from Gennifer:

Hey, you … thanks for drop­ping in on my school vis­it page. I real­ly enjoy vis­it­ing stu­dents at schools. Since my inter­nal age is about twelve, I feel as if I’m in my native habi­tat. Please say hel­lo to your stu­dents for me!

Gennifer Choldenko school visits author visits

Here’s a list of Pos­si­ble Pre­sen­ta­tions.

9 Ways Your Students Will Get More Out of a School Visit
  1. Have your stu­dents read at least one of Gen­nifer­’s books before she vis­its your school.
  2. Give Gen­nifer a quick run­down of what your stu­dents have been work­ing on in their his­to­ry and lan­guage arts classes.
  3. Have a stu­dent or a team of stu­dents intro­duce Gennifer.
  4. Make cer­tain your stu­dents have ques­tions prepared.
  5. Set up the room so there is an aisle for stu­dents to quick­ly move to the front of the room. Gennifer’s pre­sen­ta­tions have a lot of audi­ence participation.
  6. Make cer­tain Gen­nifer is as close to the stu­dents as pos­si­ble. It is hard to make a con­nec­tion when the stu­dents are in anoth­er zip code.
  7. Teach­ers are absolute­ly the most pow­er­ful influ­ence on stu­dents there ever has been or ever will be. When teach­ers are excit­ed about the author and her books, stu­dents will be excit­ed about the author visit.
  8. Con­sid­er a writ­ing con­test. The con­test win­ners will receive tick­ets to a writ­ers’ lunch with Gennifer.
  9. Cre­ate an all-school read. The best way to get the most out of a school vis­it is to do an all-school read of one of Gennifer’s books. If the teach­ers, the librar­i­an, the prin­ci­pal, the jan­i­tors, the office staff, and all of the kids (4th grade and up) all read the same book, the school goes elec­tric. Every­body has a stake in the school vis­it. Every­one has ques­tions. The school explodes with dis­cus­sions about the book, ideas the book gen­er­ates, a quest for research dri­ven by the book, opin­ions about char­ac­ters, dis­cus­sions of themes and com­par­isons with oth­er books. This is an intense edu­ca­tion­al and com­mu­ni­ty-build­ing expe­ri­ence that is often the high­point of the school year for stu­dents and fac­ul­ty alike.
Gennifer Choldenko school visits author visits