newbery honor author 

new york times bestseller

Gennifer Choldenko
Gennifer Choldenko


A Jesuit Who Reached Out to Hardened Criminals

Father Bernard Bush, S.J., assist­ed Father James Tupy, S.J., on Alca­traz from 1958–1962 when Father Bernard was a Jesuit the­ol­o­gy stu­dent. While not yet a priest, the con­victs called him “Father.”


Were you ever afraid while on Alcatraz?

Father BushNo. The con­victs liked me. I brought them news from the out­side and I wasn’t a guard. I felt pro­tect­ed. The guards were ner­vous about me being there. While I was in the prison yard, I would look up and they would have their guns trained gen­er­al­ly in the direc­tion where I was with the men gath­ered around me.


What were the con­victs like?

They were hard peo­ple. Tough. When I got to know them they were friend­ly but I had no illu­sions about what their lives had been like before Alca­traz. One pris­on­er I became friend­ly with was Paul “Frankie” Car­bo who I lat­er found out was a mem­ber of Mur­der, Inc. [Mur­der, Inc. was a name giv­en to a group of con­tract mur­der­ers in the 1930’s and 1940’s. Mur­der, Inc., was the mus­cle behind the Mafia.]


You were a swim­mer and the swim­ming coach at St. Ignatius Col­lege Prepara­to­ry School. You said this made you pop­u­lar with the inmates. Is that just a joke?

Oh, no. They were dead seri­ous about their inter­est in swim­ming. They asked all kinds of ques­tions about the water tem­per­a­ture, the cur­rents, the tides, the sharks. The guards told them there were man-eat­ing sharks in the water but I let them know that wasn’t true. Not in the Bay. It was too shallow.


Did the con­victs have any pets on Alcatraz?

One con­vict had a mouse named Stumpy who had no front legs. He was trained when the con­vict would rap on the table twice, he would run up his sleeve and into his pocket.


While on Alca­traz you became close friends with a pris­on­er named Lar­ry Trum­blay. Can you tell us a bit about that?

One day I was in the recre­ation yard where the men were play­ing cards, play­ing hand­ball, lift­ing weights, and walk­ing around. One man had his eyes closed, sun­ning him­self. He was a tough look­ing guy. I intro­duced myself to him and struck up a con­ver­sa­tion. I asked him what he did, which you’re not sup­posed to do since it is against prison eti­quette. He said: “They told me I held up some banks.” Lat­er, when I men­tioned to War­den Madi­gan that I had talked to Trum­blay, Madi­gan said: “You’re wast­ing your time with him.” The war­den showed me his “rap sheet.” He had not earned any good time in the years he had been there because he was involved in one scrape or another.


Did you con­tin­ue to vis­it with Trumblay?

Yes, I always made a point of vis­it­ing with him even when he was in “The Hole.”(The dis­ci­pli­nary cells on Alca­traz called the “TU”, Treat­ment Unit.) One day he said he’d like to repay my vis­it. I said to him: “If you come to San Fran­cis­co drip­ping wet, for­get it.”


But you stayed friends?

Yes, I have about fifty or six­ty let­ters from Trum­blay. Even after Alca­traz closed, we stayed friends. From Alca­traz, Lar­ry was sent to the fed­er­al prison at Leav­en­worth, Kansas, and even­tu­al­ly he was paroled. We got per­mis­sion from the Attor­ney Gen­er­al of the Unit­ed States for him to come to Cal­i­for­nia. So on June 4, 1965, Lar­ry was at my ordi­na­tion. He gave me some­thing that day to remem­ber him and the boys by. It was an alb [a spe­cial reli­gious gar­ment worn by priests], which he had designed and cro­cheted in his cell at Alca­traz. I wore it for my ordi­na­tion and first Mass.


Now you are a retreat direc­tor at the Jesuit Retreat Cen­ter of Los Altos. What is the main dif­fer­ence in the kind of spir­i­tu­al assis­tance you give now ver­sus what you did while on Alcatraz?

On Alca­traz I wasn’t try­ing to guide or con­vert, only to be a friend. Now, in my work my con­ver­sa­tion is more focused on God.

Father Bernard Bush, S.J., is a retreat direc­tor at the Jesuit Retreat Cen­ter of Los Altos.

Inter­viewed by Gen­nifer Chold­enko in Los Altos, CA, on June 28, 2013.