For appearance information, please contact The Author Village, hello@theauthorvillage.com
If there is something else on your mind, please contact Gennifer, Gennifer@Choldenko.com
Hey you, thanks for dropping in on my speaking page. I really enjoy visiting students at schools and book festivals. (Since my internal age is 12, I feel as if I’m in my natural habitat.) I also love speaking to parents, librarians, and teachers and doing virtual events.

Gennifer Choldenko’s Formal Bio
Gennifer Choldenko is the Newbery Honor author of the beloved Al Capone Does My Shirts now in its 44th printing, and co-author of the New York Times bestselling Dogtown with the one and only Katherine Applegate. Gennifer’s most recent book, The Tenth Mistake of Hank Hooperman has garnered 4 starred reviews, an Indie Next and JLG selection, and an Amazon Best Children’s Book So Far This Year (July 2024). “Choldenko speaks from the heart in this compelling story,” Booklist said in a starred review. The second book in the Dogtown series Mouse and His Dog launches September 2024. Gennifer lives in Northern California with her loyal husband, her clever daughter, and her sleepy dog.