newbery honor author 

new york times bestseller

Gennifer Choldenko
Gennifer Choldenko
Putting the Monkeys to Bed

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Putting the Monkeys to Bed

writ­ten by Gen­nifer Chold­enko
illus­trat­ed by Jack E. Davis
ages 3 to 5
G.P. Put­nam’s Sons, 2015
ISBN 978–0‑399–24623‑4


Sam is nev­er ready to go to sleep at bed­time. There are always more ques­tions to ask Mama, more books to read … not to men­tion the mon­keys! Sam’s ram­bunc­tious trio of toy mon­keys would much rather jump on the bed and make up songs about ping pong than go to sleep.

Even­tu­al­ly Sam wants to go to sleep. But how will he ever get the mon­keys to set­tle down?

This story’s sil­ly mon­key may­hem also includes a calm­ing bed­time rou­tine that real­ly works.


“Busy car­toon art full of over­stim­u­lat­ing detail vibrates with ener­gy, allow­ing read­ers to absorb what it might feel like to be the freck­le-faced, fuzzy-haired pro­tag­o­nist, whose ‘brain is buzzing’ … A com­i­cal yet real­is­tic look at bed­time for those who some­times strug­gle with it.” (The Horn Book)

“Choldenko’s sto­ry is fun­ny … per­fect­ly cap­tur­ing Sam’s wan­der­ing mind. The illus­tra­tions are fun, with bold move­ment lines indi­cat­ing a chaot­ic and hec­tic bed­time fren­zy, and mon­keys that just won’t quit.” (School Library Jour­nal)

“Choldenko’s buzzy nar­ra­tion itself qui­ets as Sam uses breath­ing tech­niques and reads to the mon­keys on his way to falling asleep — self-calm­ing tech­niques that many read­ers may find help­ful them­selves.” (Pub­lish­ers Week­ly)