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A Giant Crush
written by Gennifer Choldenko
illustrated by Melissa Sweet
ages 5 to 8
G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 2011
ISBN 978–0‑399–24352‑3
As Valentine’s Day gets closer, Jackson has a hard time keeping his crush on Cami a secret. His chocolate hearts end up next to her lunch and he can’t hide his red face when the huge Valentine he made for her lands on her desk. Cooper thinks Jackson should just talk to her, but Jackson’s afraid she doesn’t like him. Carter Corey always makes fun of how big he is—what if Cami thinks he’s a giant, too? Luckily, Cami is not afraid to tell Carter that if she had a boyfriend, he’d be totally giant.
A warm, fuzzy book that’s perfect for boys and girls on Valentine’s Day.
Awards and Recognition
Top 10 Valentine’s Day Children’s Books, What Mama Wants

to use this photo of a happy reader.

A Giant Crush has the place of honor.
“Both Choldenko’s spot-on playground dialogue and Sweet’s characteristically loose and lighthearted mixed-media artwork show an abundance of empathy (and a dash of humor) when it comes to matters of the heart.” (Publishers Weekly)
“Setting this apart from other holiday fare is the friendship between Jackson and Cooper … Share this along with the author’s previous titles: How to Make Friends with a Giant, illustrated by Amy Walrod (2006), and Louder, Lili, illustrated by S.D. Schindler (2007). Each addresses issues that affect self-esteem in a gentle, entertaining way.” (Kirkus Reviews)
“Choldenko is spot-on in her portrayal of the agonies and excitement of elementary school love.” (Bulletin for the Center of Children’s Books)
“Sweet’s watercolor, gouache, and mixed-media illustrations are sunny and expressive, and bring the characters and their world to life. The lighthearted pictures are a perfect match for the breezy text.” (School Library Journal)
“Charming, satisfying and delightful.” (Rochester & Genesee Valley Parent)
“Readers will cheer Jackson on as he puts aside his shyness and it pays off.” (Deseret News)
“Girls and boys alike will love this sweet tale.” (Baton Rouge Parents Magazine)
“Fun Valentine story stresses self-esteem, friendship.” (Common Sense Media)
“A Valentine’s Day tale which is both empathetic and humorous.” (BooksForKids blog)
“This book is adorable, addressing crushes in such an innocent way.” (Say it Rah-Shay blog)