newbery honor author 

new york times bestseller

Gennifer Choldenko
Gennifer Choldenko
Al Capone Does My Shirts

by Gen­nifer Chold­enko
ages 10 and up
Put­nam, 2004, 978–0‑399–23861‑1 (hc)
Puf­fin, 2006, 978–0‑14–240370‑9 (pb)

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Al Capone Does My Shirts

5 Most Common Questions Kids Ask

1. Is there going to be a movie made of Al Capone Does My Shirts?

Al Capone Does My Shirts has been optioned for film almost con­tin­u­ous­ly since its pub­li­ca­tion in 2004. It is not, how­ev­er, under option at this moment. Will it ever be a movie? It’s dif­fi­cult to know how to answer that. Maybe … I hope so. But there are no plans in the works right now.

2. How did you get your idea for the book?

I saw an arti­cle in the San Fran­cis­co Chron­i­cle about kids who grew up on Alca­traz when there was a work­ing pen­i­ten­tiary on the island.

3. Are you going to write more Al Capone books?

Last night I dreamt the dream that There­sa Mat­ta­man was hav­ing. This was a lit­tle bizarre and I can’t say it has ever hap­pened to me before. Does this mean there are more Alca­traz sto­ries in my sub­con­scious? I had only planned to write three but I am won­der­ing now if there are more.

4. Who is your favorite char­ac­ter in the Al Capone books?

I love all my char­ac­ters oth­er­wise I’d kick them out of the book. As a mat­ter of fact, in an ear­ly draft of Al Capone Does My Shirts I had Moose, Natal­ie, Piper, and two oth­er kid char­ac­ters who lived on the island. I was all the way through the draft when I real­ized, hey these boys aren’t work­ing. They were well-devel­oped char­ac­ters but they didn’t fit in the book some­how, so I boot­ed them out and I began to devel­op two new char­ac­ters: Jim­my and Annie. The char­ac­ter There­sa was com­plete­ly unplanned. One day I real­ized Jim­my had a lit­tle sis­ter and then all of a sud­den There­sa jumped on the page. I had a lit­tle trou­ble with There­sa in Al Capone Shines My Shoes because she want­ed to take over the book. But this doesn’t answer the ques­tion does it? I guess I would have to say ask­ing me my favorite char­ac­ter is like ask­ing your mom who her favorite child is … I love all my char­ac­ters in dif­fer­ent ways.

5. What hap­pened with 105?

What I’ve writ­ten about the con­vict 105 aka Onion is exact­ly what I want you to know about him. No more. No less.