newbery honor author 

new york times bestseller

Gennifer Choldenko
Gennifer Choldenko
Al Capone Does My Homework

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Al Capone Does My Homework

by Gen­nifer Chold­enko
ages 10 and up
Put­nam, August 20, 2013
978–0‑803–73472‑2 (hc)
978–0‑14242–522‑0 (pb)


Alca­traz Island in the 1930s isn’t the most nor­mal place to grow up, but it’s home for Moose Flana­gan, his autis­tic sis­ter, Natal­ie, and all the fam­i­lies of the guards. When Moose’s dad gets pro­mot­ed to Asso­ciate War­den, despite being an unlike­ly can­di­date, it’s a big deal. But the cons have a point sys­tem for tar­get­ing prison employ­ees, and his dad is now in seri­ous dan­ger. After a fire starts in the Flana­gan’s apart­ment, Natal­ie is blamed, and Moose bands with the oth­er kids to track down the pos­si­ble arson­ist. Then Moose gets a cryp­tic note from the noto­ri­ous Al Capone him­self. Is Capone try­ing to pro­tect Moose’s dad too? If Moose can’t fig­ure out what Capone’s note means, it may be too late.


Awards and Recognition

  • Book­list 50 Best Mid­dle-Grade Nov­els of the 21st Cen­tu­ry (Tales from Alcatraz)


  “Espe­cial­ly note­wor­thy is the author’s sen­si­tive abil­i­ty to human­ize heroes and vil­lains alike, ground­ing the tense action in pal­pa­ble real­i­ty. With rich char­ac­ter­i­za­tion, ten­der dra­ma, and sleuth-wor­thy clues, this poignant mys­tery makes for a thor­ough­ly sat­is­fy­ing con­clu­sion to the land­mark his­tor­i­cal tril­o­gy.” (Book­list, starred review)

  “Chold­enko con­tin­ues to infuse the Alca­traz com­mu­ni­ty with warmth and orig­i­nal­i­ty” (Pub­lish­ers Week­ly, starred review)

“A sat­is­fy­ing finale to what has become a cor­ner­stone series in con­tem­po­rary chil­dren’s lit­er­a­ture.” (Kirkus Reviews)

“Chold­enko is unsur­passed at inter­weav­ing plot with his­tor­i­cal detail” (School Library Jour­nal)

“Blend­ing his­to­ry, mys­tery and a lit­tle romance, this nuanced com­ing-of-age sto­ry is first rate and heart­felt.” (San Fran­cis­co Chron­i­cle)

“A refresh­ing­ly orig­i­nal tril­o­gy” (Barnes and Noble Review)

Fast-mov­ing, adven­ture-filled and full of heart” (Par­ent­ing on the Penin­su­la)

“Choldenko’s sto­ry­telling is com­pelling, por­tray­ing human decen­cy as a force more pow­er­ful than hero­ism.” (News­day)

“Chold­enko once again does a ter­rif­ic job with her char­ac­ters, espe­cial­ly Moose and his fam­i­ly. She cap­tures their dif­fer­ent ways of han­dling Natal­ie and her dis­abil­i­ty, their weari­ness, embar­rass­ment, and wor­ry, and their estab­lished roles with­in the fam­i­ly.” (Children’s Lit­er­a­ture)

“Both believ­able and inspir­ing … a fine title to intro­duce to read­ers.” (VOYA)